I began writing the title of this blog post as "Color Psychology in the era of COVID-19" and thought better of it. Yes, I am writing this during the quarantine; yes, I am feeling the effects of the lock down like you, my fellow citizens of this universe; and yes, I still go out with my mask and gloves on #besmart #weareinthistogether.
Ok. PSA over, let's dive into color psychology and it's role in film.
*I do not own the copyright to this image
I'd like to start with why I'm discussing Color Psychology. I decided to give my website a little sprucing this morning after a very productive virtual writers' cafe courtesy of Sundance Collab and their generous efforts to help bring creatives together for an hour and a half over zoom, where we can write and then chat afterwards and hopefully make some new connections. I recommend checking it out!
And, while attempting to spruce up my website, I came across a wix blog (I'm a paying wix customer) on the topic of design which covered color psychology, and it got me thinking. This phenom is found in every form of advertising, branding, marketing and sales; it's found in interior design, fashion, obviously art, religion and spirituality, every form of decorating, even stationery!
And, it's found in film making (consciously or unconsciously.)
Rather than expound on something I, myself, am really still learning, I figured I'd share notes from some experts -- let them do the talking. While I, like you (hopefully), sit back, read (i.e. listen) and learn a thing or two or three, or as many as you like.
Ok! Let's begin with the Very Well Mind
(I like the simplistic style very well mind employs in explaining the concept as it relates to mood, feelings and behavior)
Next, our trusty Wikipedia
(Because it's wikipedia! And, generally, I find it a good place to begin ones research process -- but, really, to each its own)
And, lastly (oh, but there's plenty more!): Digital Synopsis
(I love that they linked to Studio binder and at the bottom of the page, linked readers to even more tips on the use of color in film -- color palettes, for instance!)
I've simply chosen three links to share here, as a place to begin your exploration of the topic. You can find so much in texts (maybe audio books too), and ofcourse on platforms like Youtube, and on the numerous educational websites dedicated to DIY/Indie and even Studio level film production like No Film School and the aforementioned Studio Binder.
Enjoy! And, if you have some tips, links, pieces of knowledge color psychology/theory in film you'd like to share? I'm all ears! Leave them in the comments below, please.
As always, sharing is caring :D